This website is for use by FCA authorised intermediaries only. If you are a customer please visit the customer section of our website.
As your client makes their normal monthly payments, the balance of their mortgage will reduce. As the balance falls into the next LTV band we will automatically reduce the interest rate charged to the rate applicable for the lower LTV band.
The property valuation we use is typically the one that was provided by the valuer when they took out their mortgage. You may be able to help your client to reduce their LTV faster and also reduce the rate.
If you think the value of their property may have increased you should contact your client and ask if they want to request a new valuation. They'll need to pay for this and you can find the cost in our Tariff of Fees and Charges. You can arrange this on your client's behalf. We will need confirmation that you have their permission. Contact us on 0333 456 0333 and we'll arrange a new valuation.
April Mortgages Limited. Registered Office: 158-160 North Gower Street, London, NW1 2ND. Registered in England and Wales company number: 13514833. April Mortgages Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FRN 989666).